Tips for Caring for Pets properly and correctly

As you are responsible for various aspects of your pet’s care. To see if you have done the right thing, here are some tips on caring for pets properly from the vet:

Annual inspection

This is important to know the health status of your pet. An annual checkup is also a good time for your animal to get a vaccination, a stool examination, and also a blood test to see if its internal organs are functioning properly.

Sterilization / castrated

Sterilization/castration is very important to reduce the risk of your pet getting some type of cancer. Sterilization can reduce your pet’s stress level because they will lose the desire to mate, thereby reducing their risk of being lost when they go out of the house to find a mate or return home with injuries from fighting with other animals. Some disagree with sterilization because they feel sorry if their pets lose the ability to mate. Unlike humans’ view of sex, animals consider mating as an encouragement to breed for the survival of their species. They will not bother if they lose their marriageability.

Healthy body weight

Keep your pet in the ideal body weight. Too thin due to lack of nutrition or obesity due to excessive feeding can cause hormonal imbalances, organ failure, skin problems, heart disease, joint problems, diabetes, etc. Discuss with your veterinarian to find out what diet is best for your pet according to age, weight, and lifestyle. Another tip for pets is that they tend to gain weight after sterilization. So be careful in keeping their portions of food and activities to stay fit.

Pay attention to the food and snacks that you provide

Many human foods are harmful to your pet such as chocolate, wine, onions, alcohol, xylitol, raw bones, etc. some foods can cause mild symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, but most can cause irreparable organ damage. So be careful when sharing your food with your pet.

Never give human medicines without asking a veterinarian

This can be a dangerous thing to do. Common cold medicines, for example, are highly toxic to dogs and cats even when given in small doses. When your pet is sick, take them to the vet to get the right treatment. If it is not possible to take them to the vet, you can contact your vet to consult whether you can give certain animals to your animal. State the name of the ingredient and brand of the drug and ask whether the drug is safe to give to your animal.

Don’t overload animals

Usually, this starts with good intentions because saving sick or abandoned animals is indeed commendable. The problem occurs when you don’t know when to stop. Shelter alone has a limit to the number of animals they can care for. Having too many pets to care for will only cause suffering to the animals themselves in terms of food shortages and too small a place to live. Not to mention when diseases and parasites begin to spread among these animals, it will be very difficult to eradicate the disease and if basic life needs are not met, other animals will be very easily infected and do not get the care needed.

Save emergency contact numbers on speed dial

If you are not sure about things related to your pet, from the types of food to be done, what products to use or even if you have questions about your pet’s health, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your veterinarian.